

James Lardner

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Up Against the Wall Erratic Glamour in a Cops and Robbers World

I WAS a senior in college and a lazily erratic student of American history when the impulse hit me. Four

John Lindsay at the Crossroads

JOHN LINDSAY'S probable re-election as Mayor of New York City comes courtesy of the emerging technical elite, that body to

Good At It

DONALD BLOCH'S play, which opened last night at selected locations around the Eliot House dining hall, has absolutely no exposition,

The Open Theatre...and the Closed

T HERE'S NOT A whole lot can be said about The Open Theatre and its concoction called The Serpent: A

The Millionairess

D IVIDING Bernard Shaw's productive life into periods can be no end of fun. There being close on 70 years

How to Succeed

A T LAST: a show designed expressly for stoned-out-of-their-mind couples trapped somewhere in the vast limbo which divides Soldiers Field

The Living Theatre: Enough Said

The Living Theatre appears to aim at nothing more nor less than what it achieves. If it doesn't interlock one's

The Bacchae

I T IS ALWAYS a cliche, most always a lie, to say that a director has somehow emancipated a play

By George

I F FLUKE, By George has to be a happy one; if a precedent, it should be praised to the

Promises, Promises

I F THEY don't positively leap on stage with a hoot and a "Down with Jerry Herman!" sign, Burt Bacharach

Summer Leftovers

A S USUAL, Boston is the sticks for moviegoers. Pictures of which New York audiences have long been weary still

Her First Roman

By the time Her First Roman makes Broadway, all that is Bernard Shaw's will likely have been exorcised and the

Pajama Game

S OME swell institution it must be that throws together bang-up productions of Anything Goes, Gypsy and Pajama Game all

Planet of the Apes

A S the intellectual shocker its creators no doubt intended, Planet of the Apes is a joke. But the joke

'Heat of Night' Maims 'B & C' in Oscar Duel

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences threw in its sordid lot with the apostles of non-violence last night,
