

Timothy Crouse

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Student Here Refuses Oath At Induction

One Harvard draft-resister flunked his pre-induction physical at Boston Army Base last Friday, and another refused to sign the security


The Boston Opera Company at Back Bay Theatre People have written comic opera and talented people have even written funny

Canvassing Cambridge

To canvass for the Cambridge Neighborhood Committee on Vietnam, I got the shortest haircut I have had since high school

There's a Girl in My Soup

Perfide Albion is at it again. After an enticing warmup act, of a dozen or so excellent shows, it has

Farnsworth Says Pot Use Rising

Dr. Dana L. Farnsworth, director of University Health Services, testified against marijuana and marijuana proselytizers yesterday in Suffolk Superior Court.

Measure For Measure

Measure for Measure, if you parsed it and diagrammed it, might turn out to be a neat and a deep

Dr. Williams' Licekiller Ends an Insecticide Era

You don't have to be lousy any more. Two Harvard scientists have produced a synthetic hormone that kills body lice


Bastille Day was last week and in tardy celebration the Loeb has set off a forty-four year old Romains candle,

The Trojan Women

To begin at the beginning, we come in and see black and steel wreckage, rising to the flys in perfect

Fairbank Asserts Historical Perspective Is Most Effective Way to Psych Out China

John K. Fairbank '29, Francis Lee Higginson professor of History said last night that there is "a better than 50-50

The Lady's Not For Burning

The relentless march of nearly 20 years time has left no mark on Christopher Fry's The Lady's Not For Burning.


Aristotle said that a play should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. This one has two out of

Moynihan Helped to Smooth Way For Kodak-FIGHT Reconciliation

Daniel P. Moynihan, director of the Harvard-M.I.T. Joint Center for Urban Affairs, catalyzed negotiations which resulted in an agreement last

Entertaining Mr. Sloane

Leo Tolstoy once wrote, "All happy families resemble each other; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." Not

The Lampoon

Which is the Lampoon, Dear Reader: a select club or a literary effort? For the last few months, the answer
