

Gilbert B. Kaplan

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Paper Moon

P ETER BOGDANOVICH is a director who thinks on his feet. He translates his fiction onto film like it was

Lost Sheep In Central Park

H OW sadly we would have dozed down U.S. 95 to Washington, waved flags through the streets of Boston, opened

Dreaming India

R ECENTLY AN intensive study in The New York Times concluded that two bottlenecks hindered economic progress in Asia. The

Two Steps to Education

B EING MAYOR of New York City is probably easier than learning to read there. Last week the city released

Revenge and Mercy

I N A WORLD without religion the Old Testament seems like an awesome myth composed of story-book characters and elusive

Mortal Souls

T HE EMOTIONS of bored and dying men are the fabric of Ionesco's dramas. He expresses them with wonderful simplicity.

Pay TV at the Colonial

S ITUATION COMEDY is the most banal of American art forms, and unfortunately one of the more popular. Why is

The Macabre Annals of Crime

S IEUTH IS BOTH a suspenseful British thriller, and a clever satire that up-ends all time honored deadbody-in-the-rose-bed conventions. The

Winter Soldier

W ITH ONE PHASE of the Vietnam War concluding, we should prepare for the deluge of books and films that

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

T here are many interesting ways to spend your time in the Soviet Union. Alexander Solzhenitsyn has spent a lot

EducationWhat Do I Do Monday?

BOSTON'S School Committee spent much of this winter trying to suppress student strikes and to lower a vandalism rate which

Verbal Thinking: How Can I Tell You?

( This is the conclusion of the feature which began in yesterday's CRIMSON.) MOFFETT'S alternative curriculum is based on the
