

Peter K. Han

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Radcliffe Rugby Rises to Top

Their faces told the tale. Splashed with mud, pelted with rain, sweating, shivering, laughing, yelling--these faces glowed, positively glowed, through

Why Not To Panic

The scene occurred in a dim hallway, deep inside Dillon Field House, far away from any madding crowd. The cheers

M. Basketball Finally Triumphs, 80-63

Could've been so beautiful, could've been so right ....if only they had played like this every night. Cornell  63 Harvard 60

It's Same Old Story For Men's Cagers

Notice to all the superstitious on campus: If you want to experience deja vu, try rooting for the Harvard men's

Showtime, Ivy Style

My roommates are the skeptical sort who have developed, over the past two-and-a-half years, a healthy disrespect for Ivy League

Gilmore's Treys Lead B-Ball

One highlight stood out on Saturday amid the Harvard basketball team's disappointing loss to Lehigh. Actually, make that five highlights.

That Hard-to-find Killer Instinct

Your men's basketball team shot 56 percent from the field in last night's game against Holy Cross, including a sizzling

B-Ballers Stomp St. Francis

Inspiration comes hard on Saturday mornings in early December when you're playing against a team called St. Francis in Brooklyn,

Men's Basketball Heads to Brooklyn

The season remains young, and the game will not even count in the Ivy League standings. But ask the Harvard

M. Cagers Blow Out Babson in Opener

They're more talented, deeper and better conditioned. That's the verdict--after one game. The 1994-95 Harvard men's basketball team, looking considerably

Yale Bulldogs Harvard in 'The 111th Game,' 32-13

The crowds told the story Saturday, as they always do at The Game. Blue-painted Yalies, screamed and swayed in unison.

Who's Hu? Easy Answer Now

Every cloud has a silver lining. Harvard's bright spot during an otherwise dismal edition of The Game was Eion Hu.

Football Fighting Biggest Battles With Key Injuries

"Football is a war of attrition at this point in the season." So spoke Harvard football Coach Tim Murphy two

Football Pulls Big (Green) Upset

HANOVER, N.H.--With Harvard and Dartmouth both coming into their football game on Saturday sporting the same record, injuries to key

Freshman Gridders Play Big Roles

Okay, time for some Harvard Football Jeopardy. The answer: Jeff Compas, Colby Skelton, Jason Hughes, Tim Fleiszer, Mark Drakos, Chris
