

Deborah R. Waroff

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The Masterbuilder Boston Artists Project '70 Exhibition

At the Fifth Floor Galleries, New City Hall. Free. THE PROJECT '70 Exhibition features designs and crazy schemes dedicated to

Design Faculty Votes On Hartman Dispute

Design School students and alumni who have worked for the reinstatement of Chester W. Hartman '57 as assistant professor of

Money Stock Market Blues

THE TICKER TAPE on the Big Board is marching for peace in spite of itself. The paper worth on the

Group to Check Hartman Firing

Design School students who have protested since February Chester W. Hartman's dismissal as assistant professor of City Planning got results

Art H-R Art Forum

An exhibition of undergraduate art organized by undergraduates. At the Fogg through April 30 THERE is no madness, nothing outrageous

The Gallerygoer Exploration at M. I. T.'s Hayden Gallery, to March 29

EXPLORATION looks like an exhibit of fifteen works by artists who use modern technology instead of brushes and canvas. But

Crafts Objects: USA

The Johnson Collection of Contemporary Crafts at the Boston University School of Fine and Applied Arts, 855 Commonwealth Avenue, and

Mirko Basaldella, Director Of Design Workshop, Dies

Mirko Basaldella, sculptor-in-residence and Director of Design Workshops at the Carpenter Center, died of a heart attack Monday night. He

Back Bay The City as Art

"Back Bay Boston: The City as a Work of Art" at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts through January 11,

The Theatregoer The Concept At the Loeb last weekend

THE EIGHT homely ex-heroin addicts who improvised The Concept out of their cure at Daytop Village turned out to be

Once Upon A Mattress

IT'S RATHER disorienting to watch a musical parody of a medieval fairytale when you saw the queen sitting behind a

The Dollar Theatre

A CTING is an if-then proposition. To create a character an actor asks, "If I am Hamlet and I discover

What Makes Techies Run

"...A ND THIS fine set was carefully crafted by Master Carpenter Scott Kirkpatrick, whose imaginative use of one-by-threes with two-by-fours

3 Absurdities

E VER SLEEP with an elephant? Adam does in Norman Dietz' Apple Bit, the second of the three Lowell House

Plastic As Plastic

T ECHNOLOGY has devised a new nudity. No starlet could half-hide under bubbles in Babette Newburger's clear blown Plexiglas bathtub.
