

Ben Y. Cammarata

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Harvard Kennedy School

Harvard Kennedy School

The Feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian

The Feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian

A member of the Saints Cosmas and Damian Society pins money to the statues of the patron saints at the chapel in East Cambridge.

HKS Littauer Center Building

HKS Littauer Center Building

Harvard Kennedy School Ofer Building

Harvard Kennedy School Ofer Building

Embalmed Rats
Around Town

Embalmed Rats

At Harvard Museum of Natural History's Rat Embalming Workshop, participants embalm a rat, which they then take home with them.

Needle Stabbing Rat
Around Town

Needle Stabbing Rat

To embalm the rat, workshop participants stabbing their specimen all over its body, pumping it full of fluid, which eventually mixes with that's rat's blood and guts and leaches out.

euthanized rats
Around Town

euthanized rats

The rats used for the workshop were raised and euthanized to be used as reptile food.

Rat Embalming Workshop Table
Around Town

Rat Embalming Workshop Table

The workshop is set up with six tables of four, toolkits laid out in front of each seat. Fluorescent lights beat down from the ceiling. It’s just like a high school classroom on lab day.

Kwapis Picture
Around Town

Kwapis Picture

Mickey Alice Kwapis, the taxidermist who led the rat embalming workshop, says her work is a labor of love. “You wouldn't spend your days elbows-deep in a dead animal if you didn't really love the work that you were doing and really want to honor those specimens,” she says.

Feast of Saint Cosmas and Damian
Photo Essay

In Photos: The Feast of Saints Cosmas and Damian

Every year, the residents of East Cambridge gather at the intersection of Porter and Warren streets to celebrate the Feast of Saint Cosmas and Damian, a festival brought by Italian immigrants from the town of Gaeta in 1926. The 98th annual celebration took place the weekend of September 8-10, and we sent a team of photographers to cover it.

Ghungroo 2023

Ghungroo 2023

Ghungroo performers smile and point at the audience.

Lowell Exterior

Lowell Exterior

Lowell Dorm

Lowell Dorm

Black Mamo
The Scoop

Black Mamo

Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; ©President and Fellows of Harvard College

bee hummingbird
The Scoop

bee hummingbird

Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; ©President and Fellows of Harvard College
