
Contributing writer

Natasha P.B. Lasky

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Cat's-eye View

For Coleman, Catiline’s life was his own. He was no subservient, docile pet — it makes sense that the headstrong Catiline would author his own memoir. After all, as Coleman puts it: “Who can ever make a cat do something it doesn’t want to do?”

The Ivy

Harvard Meets 'Gossip Girl'

Take, for example, her depiction of Fifteen Minutes as a den of blackmail and sexual intrigue, consumed with publishing articles about whether freshman hemlines are “statistically… shorter than those of the female upperclassmen.”

CambridgeSide Galleria
Around Town

One Mall Walk for Man, One Mall Leap for Mankind

But where were my fellow mall walkers? Both representatives of mall management I talked to — a man at the welcome desk and a customer service agent —  could not point me to a mall walking program, and seemed baffled by the entire concept of walking through a mall purely for exercise.

For Whom the Bell Lowells
Around Town

Notes from the Underground Bells

The bell ringers remain patient, awaiting the day they can return to their perch in Lowell. Until then, they are content with their humble practice set and the memory of their former glory.
