

The Crimson Editorial Board

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Year of Speech About Speech Graphic

A Year of Speech About Speech

Fickle as free speech may be, we can’t have a university any other way.

Academic Mission Graphic

Harvard’s Next President Must Refocus on the Academic Mission

Climbing out of the current controversy will require clarity on our mission from the next president. It requires recognizing that the ivory tower’s comparative advantage comes from the prioritization of scholarship.

Harvard Year of Crisis Graphic

An Unprecedented Year at Harvard, According to Larry Summers, Ken Griffin, and More

Harvard, According to Four Remarkable Seniors

Read reflections from four members of Harvard's Class of 2024.

An Unprecedented Year at Harvard, According to the Editorial Board

The Editorial Board reflects on an unprecedented year at Harvard.

Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine Coalition Press Conference Outside Johnston Gate

A Palestine Exception to Commencement

History should not be written over to justify unequal and arbitrary application of the rules in punishing students. Reverse the extreme punishments. Let our peers graduate.

Palestine Flag Over University Hall and Encampment

Garber Ended the Encampment. He Also Helped Start It.

The tents may be gone, but they are still here. Garber would do well to engage them.

Encampment in Front of University Hall

Punishment Can’t Be the Only Outcome of the Harvard Encampment

In the past week, the University has made it plenty clear that disciplinary consequences await the protesters. Here’s hoping that punishment isn’t the only outcome of their activism.

Pro-Palestine Encampment Graphic

The Encampment is Safe and Peaceful. Harvard Must Keep it That Way.

The protestors have done their part; now, Harvard’s leadership must do theirs.

Kirkland House Gate

Time for a Residential Advisors Union

All workers deserve to negotiate with their employers on an equal footing. That’s doubly the case when your employer is also your landlord. Vote yes on HURA.

Participant at PSC Sit In

By Suspending the Palestine Solidarity Committee, Harvard Guarantees Chaos

Student groups aren’t above the rules. But the rules aren’t above the good of this campus. Harvard must choose the latter.

Faculty Members Leave University Hall After April Faculty Meeting

In Support of a Faculty Senate

University governance is in desperate need of reform. A faculty senate could substantially improve how Harvard solves its problems.

Cease and Desist Protest in the Science Center Plaza

To the HUA: Let Us Vote.

Our student government likes to claim a democratic mandate. Now is their time to earn it.

Harvard Athletics Lavietes Pavillion

There Are Many Obstacles Facing Women’s Sports. Trans Athletes Aren’t One.

As enticingly clear as the rhetoric may sound, the science is far less conclusive.

Harvard Admissions Office

The Return of Required Testing

Bringing back testing can be a step towards equity. But steps will not suffice in a post-affirmative action world: Harvard must begin taking leaps and bounds.
