
Contributing writer

Charlene M. Mortyn

Latest Content

Linguistic Genius of Infants

Linguistic Genius of Infants

Dr. Patricia Kuhl, Ph.D gives a lecture entitled "The Linguistic Genius of Infants: Early Learning and Brain Plasticity," engaging the audience as she explains her research on infant cognition.

Infant Language Acquisition

Infant Language Acquisition

Dr. Patricia Kuhl, of the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences at the University of Washington, discusses infant language acquisition as part of the Mind, Brain, and Behavior’s Annual Distinguished Lecture series.

Hey Hey HEI, Goodbye
On Campus

Today in Photos (04/04/12)

Student Life

The GoogleFight Showdown

Need a study break from too many long hours spent at Lamont? GoogleFight pits different googleable search queries against each other, and after a brief and bloody stick figure animation, a winner is crowned. Some of the results of these fights are shocking, but others are just downright sad. Ready…set…fight!
