

Victoria Ilyinsky

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This Word is Killing Me, Literally

EDITOR'S NOTE APPENDED You can’t help but notice that the new “like” is the word “literally.” Bothering parents and professors

“Love to Hatred Turned?”

“Going out?” That’s out of touch. “Getting wasted?” Waste of breath. If it’s Friday night (or Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday for

No Boys Allowed

Single sex schools have always made me nervous and I’m historically not a fan of female-only anything. Women slap, we

Sex, Swing, and Stereotypes

I don’t like to grind. Neither do I really enjoy “bumping” with boys on the dance-floor. Of course there have

21st Century Dating? Byte Me

The women in my family dispense advice faster than I can nick a pair of pointy black heels. Ironically, these

Bad Boys, Bad Boys

We all know opposites attract, and for good girls everywhere this spells trouble. As a stranger to suspensions and the

The Games We Play, Literally

Editors' note appended. Please see below. Crack, flop, hit, nuts, pot-committed. Limp, leak, house, draw, gun-shot straight. It’s not spoken

Now Comes the Bride

I’ll be a 21-year-old bridesmaid next summer. Twice. And not for an older sister, thrice divorced aunt, or former babysitter
