

Megan C. Harney

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Cabot Has Lifelong Interest in Harvard

When the Harvard Management Company (HMC), founded in 1974 to oversee Harvard’s now-$22.6 billion endowment, created a venture-capital subsidiary, it

Dunster House Raises Money at Action Auction

How much cash do you have to pay for the privilege of having a guy dress up in a moose

Daycare May Facilitate Spread of Dangerous Bacteria, Researchers Found

Children who play together share more than toys; they also share germs. The potentially dangerous bacteria Streptococcus pneumoniae may spread

THE NEWS IN BRIEF: Students march to Loeb House in protest, only to learn their wishes of divestment had been granted

Almost 150 students, dressed in black and carrying signs, rallied for Harvard divestment from PetroChina through a silent demonstration yesterday

Venus Fly Trap’s Mystery Revealed

A Harvard professor with a passion for studying everyday phenomena, including how worms wriggle, flags flap, and skin shrivels, has

Ivy Council Holds First Meeting

Eight members of Harvard’s Undergraduate Council joined student government leaders from the Ivy League to discuss common college concerns at

Harvard Opens Academy in Beijing

This summer, the Harvard Beijing Academy will offer Harvard students their first opportunity to study abroad in China for course
