

Matthew A. Gline

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So Long, and Thanks for the Bits

For two-and-a-half years, I’ve imposed myself on your editorial page with oft-inane, always obscure commentary about the ways technology has

Net Working

One thing that will never be said about Harvard is that the students here don’t have diverse interests. You may

Time to Reflect

I want to start this column with a shout-out to a small and oft-ignored subset of my readers. I don’t

Standard Error

The Internet as we know it is built around a set of social conventions. I don’t mean social conventions of


About three weeks ago, a new player quietly showed up on the battlefield of websites vying for Harvard attention spans.

Bits of History

In 1951, the U.S. Federal Civil Defense Administration released an educational film called “Duck and Cover.” It featured an animated

Net Stupidity

Avid followers of online idiocy, who have spent the last few years of their lives migrating from to Homestar

Blog Schmog

Early this December, during the fast-paced, anything goes UC election season, Harvard finally got a taste of something mainstream media


We describe our day-to-day lives in terms that would have been rather foreign to our forebears of 10 or 20

Net Effects

Harvard is no stranger to controversy. Our President alone gets more press coverage than most earthquakes, and a handful of


The future for peer-to-peer file sharing services is, lately, looking a bit bleak. The page for StreamCast Networks’ Morpheus has

The Digital Curtain

We’re halfway through first semester and I think it’s reasonably safe to say that the vast majority of Harvard undergraduates

Isis E-mail Archive Held Private Thoughts, Not News

To the editors: I am the president of the Harvard Computer Society, but it is as a student like any

Virtually Harvard

Only a very small handful of Harvard undergraduates—those whose life paths were complicated enough to necessitate a five-year school vacation—remember

iPod therefore iTunes

Just about everyone who owns any kind of digital portable music player owns an iPod. Variants of the Apple device
