

Elizabeth A. Gudrais

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Finding Your Interests and Identity Can Take Time

An odd thing happened to me last year at school. I joined a sorority. Tell my first-year self about this,

Common Sense on Both Ends

NEW YORK--Chances are, by now you've heard about the Central Park attacks during the Puerto Rican Day Parade--and probably forgotten

Cambridge Police Force Animal Rights Protesters to Leave Square

They had planned to sit just outside the gates of Harvard Yard, across the street from Au Bon Pain, for

Adams House Exudes Excess, Aristocracy

Adams House residents uphold a long tradition of smug confidence in the superiority of their House. In 1900 and 1902,

'Tis the Season to Work for Square Employers

Huck Keys anxiously surveys the floor of the Harvard Square HMV Records, looking for customers who may need assistance and

A Seasoned School Committee

As Cambridge School Committee election results roll in this morning, a mix of incumbents and seasoned newcomers stands ready to

A Life of Cheese: Say Formaggio Kitchen

It's Saturday afternoon at Formaggio Kitchen, and David Welch has set up his grill on the sidewalk in front of

Made Up in Mary Kay

On the door of Dunster C-43 hangs a small pink business card for Mary Kay cosmetics--perhaps a unique sight at

Debt Management

It seems like once a week offers for amazing credit cards--"no annual fees!" "low monthly payments!"--arrive in each Harvard mailbox.

School Committee Hopefuls Debate Budgets, Testing

Next month's school committee election is heating up. Twelve of the 13 candidates faced off last night in a forum

After 12 Years, Barsamian's Says Goodbye

Subhead: Costly Mall Venture Caused Store to Close its Doors The lights are out at Barsamian's market even though it's

Cambridge School Enrollment Declines

Though the "baby boom echo" is crowding school systems across the country, Cambridge's public schools aren't feeling the pinch. In

Undergrads Provide Book-Buying Alternative

Three members of the class of '01 have decided to "fly the Coop"--and help their classmates do so in the

Between Two Coasts, A Hospitable Heartland

Last week I ran short on, er, feminine hygiene products and had to stop at a convenience store to buy

Navigating and Surviving Harvard's Social Scene

Harvard students are a strange, strange breed. Basically, the admissions officers go through the applicant pool each year and choose
