

David M. Handelman

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Join the Crowd

G OING INTO the Freshman Union for reunion-week supplies, says one of the 25th reunion's hospitality chairmen, "is like going

Capital Punishment

"IF YOU DON'T TRY, you can't fail." So posits one of the venerable Salada tea bags that have guided many

Behind the Glitter

I N 1965, when writer William Goldman flew into L.A. for his first Hollywood film, Harper, a chauffeured limousine awaited

The Sixties Reinvented

I suppose if you wanted to pin down any single recent trend in American films, it would have to be

A Grade A Record Guide

Christgau. The name alone conjures up both savior and fascist. Yet he mercifully falls somewhere in between. Explicit about his

All Work and No Play Make Jack a Dull Boy

J ACK NICHOLSON must be viewed as dangerous. Dangerous to the status quo, and to our ideal of an untarnished

The Demons of Pseudo-Euro-Disco; Jeffreys, Hunter, Kinks & Stones Redux

What would you do if you and two other guys dyed your hair blond, recorded a few records of slick,

Snap, Crackle Pop Rock

R OCK MUSIC has not aged gracefully. Compare the lyrics of the Stones' "Gimme Shelter" to their recent "She's So

The Horror, The Horror

I KNEW the day of reckoning was coming. I just wasn't ready for it to hit me when it did.

The Great Escape

A MERICA HAS ALWAYS escaped through pop music. Imported African slaves sang while working to alleviate the pain and make

American Popaganda

I N AMERICAN POP, Ralph Bakshi tries to do for pop music what Walt Disney did for classical in Fantasia,

Geritol Case

B LOOD BEACH IS almost scream. It is not quite a horror movie, and not quite a satire. Trying for

No Mettle

S TEELY DAN takes its name from the painting of a large dildo. Maybe group co-founders Walter Becker and Donald

A Lightweight No More

"T HE NEW JOE JACKSON ALBUM!" screams the sticker from the demented cartoon-figured cover of Beat Crazy. But it doesn't
