
Title IX


Committee Formed To Bring FAS Sexual Assault Policy into Line with Revised Univ. Standard

Smith wrote that University President Drew G. Faust has instructed Harvard’s schools to update their respective response and disciplinary procedures regarding cases of sexual assault.


Faust Condemns Divest Blockade, Affirms Integrity of Tenure Process

Drew G. Faust condemned last week's Divest Harvard-led blockade of Mass. Hall and reassured professors that the University does not take into account tenure candidates' political views and actions in tenure decisions.

Kimberly Theidon

Professor Files Charge Alleging University Violated Title IX in Denying Her Tenure

Theidon alleges that the denial was in retaliation for her public expressions of support for sexual assault victims, as well as for complaining that she was not receiving the same pay as her male colleagues.

Open Meeting with Faust
College Administration

Faust Says University Has Submitted Revised Sexual Assault Policy

At an open forum sponsored by the Undergraduate Council Thursday, University President Drew G. Faust announced that Harvard had submitted in recent weeks a revised sexual assault policy.

Our Harvard Can Do Better
Student Groups

Our Harvard Can Do Better Teaches, Recruits Students at Teach-In

The teach-in follows more than a week of campus discussion regarding sexual assault and the creation of a presidential task force on the issue.
