

University Hall
Central Administration

Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Harvard’s Faculty Push for a Role in Governance

After months of watching Harvard endure crisis after crisis, the faculty — the University’s “sleeping giant” — have risen from their slumber. And they are demanding a seat at the table.

University Hall
Central Administration

Nearly 400 Pro-Israel Harvard Affiliates Sign Letter Urging ‘Significant Consequences’ for Protesters

Nearly 400 pro-Israel Harvard alumni and affiliates signed an open letter to interim Harvard President Alan M. Garber ’76 condemning “the alarming escalation of antisemitism” on campus during the pro-Palestine encampment in Harvard Yard.

University Hall
Central Administration

The FAS Undermined the Ad Board. Now, the Harvard Corporation Must Take a Side.

The notion that the Faculty of Arts and Sciences is Harvard’s most powerful faculty is something of a cliché. But the FAS put any lingering doubts to rest on Monday.

Penny Pritzker Exits Harvard Corporation FAS Town Hall
Central Administration

Harvard Corporation Rejects FAS Effort to Let 13 Pro-Palestine Student Protesters Graduate

The Harvard Corporation rejected an effort by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences to confer degrees on 13 seniors facing disciplinary charges for participating in the pro-Palestine encampment, opening a new front in the standoff between faculty and the board.

University Hall

Harvard Faculty Overwhelmingly Vote to Allow Seniors Disciplined Over Encampment to Graduate

Members of the FAS overwhelmingly voted to add 13 students back to the list of degrees recommended for conferral after they were initially barred from graduating over their participation in the pro-Palestine encampment.

University Hall

Harvard FAS Faculty Largely Dismayed by State of Academic Freedom on Campus, Per Survey

Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences is broadly pessimistic about the current state of academic freedom at the University, according to The Crimson’s annual FAS survey.

Jeff Lichtman

Harvard Researchers Create Largest-Known Map Of Portion of a Human Brain

Researchers at Harvard in collaboration with Google have released the most detailed map of a section of the human brain to date.

University Hall

FAS to Consider Formation of Faculty Senate Planning Body Over Online Ballot

Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences will hold an online vote on whether to elect delegates to a planning body for a University-wide faculty senate, delaying a final decision on the proposal until the summer during a special FAS meeting Tuesday.

Harvard Yard Encampment Packs Up Morning of May 14

FAS Dean Hopi Hoekstra Takes Victory Lap After Peaceful End to Harvard Yard Encampment

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Dean Hopi E. Hoekstra praised interim University President Alan M. Garber ’76 for his handling of the pro-Palestine encampment and called for “true and meaningful dialogue” in her first public statement about the nearly three-week occupation of Harvard Yard that ended Tuesday morning.

Encampment Barriers
Central Administration

More Than 180 Harvard Faculty Sign Letter Urging Garber to End Pro-Palestine Encampment

More than 180 Harvard faculty urged interim University President Alan M. Garber ’76 and interim Provost John F. Manning ’82 to end the pro-Palestine encampment in Harvard Yard in an open letter.

Faculty Members Leave University Hall After April Faculty Meeting

FAS Advances Vote on Harvard Faculty Senate Planning Body After Spirited Debate

Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences took its first step toward a University-wide faculty senate on Tuesday by voting to hold a special meeting on whether the FAS will send delegates to a “planning body.”

John Manning and Alan Garber Exit Harvard Corporation FAS Town Hall
Central Administration

Manning Addresses Harvard Yard Encampment, Draws Groans, Laughter From FAS Faculty

Members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences pressed interim Harvard Provost John F. Manning ’82 over the University’s reluctance to negotiate with pro-Palestine student activists, at one point laughing incredulously at his defensive answers, during a Tuesday FAS meeting.

Yenching Auditorium

Harvard Employee Fired Following Online Heated Exchange With Jewish Student

Harvard terminated the employment of Gustavo Espada, a staff member in the East Asian Languages and Civilizations department, following an online exchange with a student over the defacing of posters displaying Israeli hostages.


Faculty of Arts and Sciences to Consider Starting Faculty Senate Planning Process

Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences is expected to discuss a resolution on May 7 that — if passed — would mark their first concrete step toward forming a University-wide faculty senate.

Students Speak at Sackler Protest

‘Sack the Sacklers’: Students Urge Harvard to Remove Sackler Name for a Class Assignment

Nine Harvard students protested Harvard’s ties to the infamous Sackler family, the former owners of Purdue Pharma, at the Harvard Art Museums for a final class assignment on Saturday.
