
Harvard Law School

Ian I. Irungu Speaks at Black Affinity Celebration

‘Our Forever President’: Black Harvard Graduates Celebrate Claudine Gay at Affinity Ceremony

Two Harvard graduates presented an award for faculty who show “a strong commitment to social justice” to former Harvard President Claudine Gay during the University-wide celebration of Black graduates on Tuesday evening in Sanders Theatre.

Student at Harvard Business School Die-In

Harvard Grad Students Charged Following Confrontation at October Pro-Palestine Protest

Two Harvard graduate students are facing criminal charges and up to 200 days in jail following their involvement in a confrontation with an Israeli student at a Pro-Palestine protest at the Harvard Business School in October.

Harvard Law School

Two Harvard Law School Clinics Sign Statement to Protect Campus Speech

Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic and Human Rights Entrepreneurs Clinic signed onto a joint statement calling on university administrators to protect free speech during the nationwide surge in campus protests, citing several Harvard policies as examples of problematic protest restrictions.

Harvard Law School Recruitment
Harvard Law School

Harvard Law Faculty Letter Calls for Protection of Speech From Administrative Action

More than 30 Harvard Law School faculty signed onto a statement affirming their “commitment to protecting student speech” after some HLS student groups have been investigated for hosting gatherings in student spaces.

Harvard Law School 1

10 HLS Faculty Members Sign Letter Condemning House Republicans’ Investigation into Rutgers University

Ten Harvard Law School faculty members signed a letter condemning the House Committee on Education and the Workforce for their recent investigation into the Rutgers University Newark Center for Security, Race, and Rights.

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland
Harvard Law School

Interior Sec. Deb Haaland To Speak at Harvard Law School’s 2024 Class Day

U.S. Secretary of the Interior Debra A. Haaland will be Harvard Law School’s 2024 Class Day speaker, the school announced Monday.

Harvard Law School - HLS

Harvard Researchers Say Jail Educational Programs Reduce Recidivism, Violence

An education program at a county jail in Flint, Michigan significantly reduced recidivism, misconduct, and the harms of incarceration, according to a new study co-authored by two Harvard professors.

Kamali Chair Lecture HLS
Harvard Law School

Harvard Law School Professor Ties English Felony Law to Ancient Veil in Lecture

Harvard Law School professor Elizabeth P. Kamali ’97 lectured on the development of 13th century English felony law through the lens of historical artifacts during her Chair Lecture on Tuesday.

Brazilian Chief Justice Luís Roberto Barroso Speaks at Harvard Law School
Harvard Law School

Brazilian Chief Justice Discusses Use of AI in Overloaded Judicial System

Luís Roberto Barroso, chief justice of the Supreme Federal Court of Brazil, discussed the use of artificial intelligence to streamline the Brazilian legal process at a Harvard Law School event on Friday afternoon.

HAW Voting at Science Center
Harvard Law School

Harvard Law School Academic Workers Vote 62-3 To Unionize

Harvard Law School clinical workers voted 62-3 on Wednesday in favor of unionizing under Harvard Academic Workers-United Auto Workers.

Anne Neuberger HLS Event

Biden National Security Official Discusses AI and Cybersecurity at Harvard Law School Talk

Deputy National Security Adviser Anne Neuberger discussed how the U.S. government is combating cybersecurity challenges amidst the emergence of artificial intelligence technology at a Harvard Law School talk on Tuesday.

Harvard Law School
Harvard Law School

HLS Students Targeted by Online Doxxing and Billboard Truck in Harvard Square

Harvard Law School students and several leaders in its student government faced doxxing attacks after the passage of a resolution on Friday calling on the University to divest from “illegal Israeli settlements.”

Harvard Law School - HLS
Harvard Law School

‘Make It A Union Town’: Harvard Labor Organizers Discuss Push to Unionize at HLS Event

A panel of four Harvard union leaders discussed the motivations, challenges, and successes of the growing push to unionize Harvard during an event hosted by the Labor and Employment Action Project at Harvard Law School.

Harvard Law School
Harvard Law School

2 Members of HLS Student Government Resign After Resolution to Divest From ‘Illegal Israeli Settlements’

Two members of the Harvard Law School Student Government resigned Friday morning after the group passed a resolution calling on the Harvard Management Company to divest from Israel.

Manatee Lawsuit Harvard Law School
Student Groups

HLS Animal Law Clinic Announces Intent to Sue Over Manatee Protection

Harvard Law School’s Animal Law & Policy Clinic announced their intent to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service over the agency’s failure to respond to a previous petition filed for increased protection of West Indian manatees.
