
Faculty News

University Hall
Central Administration

The FAS Undermined the Ad Board. Now, the Harvard Corporation Must Take a Side.

The notion that the Faculty of Arts and Sciences is Harvard’s most powerful faculty is something of a cliché. But the FAS put any lingering doubts to rest on Monday.

University Hall

Nearly 500 Harvard Faculty, Staff Blast Sanctions Against Pro-Palestine Protesters in Open Letter

Nearly 500 Harvard faculty and staff members signed an open letter Monday condemning the “unprecedented, disproportionate, and arbitrary” level of sanctions against pro-Palestine demonstrators who camped in Harvard Yard.

University Hall

FAS to Consider Formation of Faculty Senate Planning Body Over Online Ballot

Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences will hold an online vote on whether to elect delegates to a planning body for a University-wide faculty senate, delaying a final decision on the proposal until the summer during a special FAS meeting Tuesday.

Encampment Barriers
Central Administration

More Than 180 Harvard Faculty Sign Letter Urging Garber to End Pro-Palestine Encampment

More than 180 Harvard faculty urged interim University President Alan M. Garber ’76 and interim Provost John F. Manning ’82 to end the pro-Palestine encampment in Harvard Yard in an open letter.

Faculty Members Leave University Hall After April Faculty Meeting

FAS Advances Vote on Harvard Faculty Senate Planning Body After Spirited Debate

Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences took its first step toward a University-wide faculty senate on Tuesday by voting to hold a special meeting on whether the FAS will send delegates to a “planning body.”

John Manning and Alan Garber Exit Harvard Corporation FAS Town Hall
Central Administration

Manning Addresses Harvard Yard Encampment, Draws Groans, Laughter From FAS Faculty

Members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences pressed interim Harvard Provost John F. Manning ’82 over the University’s reluctance to negotiate with pro-Palestine student activists, at one point laughing incredulously at his defensive answers, during a Tuesday FAS meeting.

Faculty Observe the Yard Encampment
Central Administration

More Than 300 Harvard Faculty Urge Garber To Negotiate with Pro-Palestine Protesters

More than 300 Harvard faculty members signed a letter sent to interim Harvard President Alan M. Garber ’76 that urged his administration to negotiate with the pro-Palestine student protesters staging an encampment in Harvard Yard.


Faculty of Arts and Sciences to Consider Starting Faculty Senate Planning Process

Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences is expected to discuss a resolution on May 7 that — if passed — would mark their first concrete step toward forming a University-wide faculty senate.

Penny Pritzker Exits Harvard Corporation FAS Town Hall
Central Administration

Harvard Corporation Discusses Gay’s Testimony, Donor Revolt in FAS Town Hall

Harvard’s top brass offered their most extensive comments to date about the University’s fall semester of controversy, including Claudine Gay’s congressional testimony and the ongoing donor revolt, at a rare FAS town hall on Tuesday.

Jeff Lichtman

Biology Professor Jeff Lichtman To Be Next Harvard FAS Dean of Sciences

Biology professor Jeff W. Lichtman will serve as the Faculty of Arts and Sciences’ next dean of Science, FAS Dean Hopi E. Hoekstra announced Tuesday afternoon.​​​​​​​

University Hall
Central Administration

The Harvard Corporation Will Take Questions From the FAS. The Faculty Want Answers.

The Harvard Corporation, the University’s highest governing body, will grant a rare audience to members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences on Tuesday morning.

Loeb House
Central Administration

Faculty of Arts and Sciences Lacks Confidence in Harvard’s Governing Boards, Per Survey

Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences has largely lost confidence in the University’s governing boards ahead of a crucial presidential search, according to The Crimson’s annual FAS survey.

University Hall

Majority of Harvard FAS Faculty Dispute Presence of ‘Systemic Antisemitism’ on Campus in Survey

Respondents to The Crimson’s annual survey of Harvard’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences largely said they felt the University harbors neither systemic antisemitism nor systemic anti-Arab and anti-Muslim bias.

GSAS Dean and Interim Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Emma Dench

Harvard GSAS Dean Says Students Should Pursue Grad Degrees for ‘Love of the Discipline,’ Not Professorship

Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Dean Emma Dench said students should pursue graduate degrees out of passion for their research rather than a desire for professorship during a Tuesday interview with The Crimson.

Johnston Gate
Central Administration

Faculty Demand Greater Say as Confidence in Harvard’s Governance Plummets

A group of prominent Harvard professors is seeking to establish a University-wide faculty senate, as skepticism of the University’s governing boards continues to grow among faculty amid a year of turmoil.
