Just when you thought midterm season couldn’t get any worse, you run out of Tinder swipes. Now you’re stuck in Lamont with your thirst -- errr, ambition -- levels high. Fear not, for Flyby has you covered, with options of what to do when you run out of Tinder swipes.

First of all, have you tried the other hookup apps popular on campus? There’s Bumble, Jswipe and, if you’re feeling desperate, Match.com. Ladies, although Bumble requires some extra work on your part, at least that means you can avoid the awkward rejection conversation with annoying section kid from Ec10. And word on the street is that JSwipe is the place to find your future nice Jewish husband or wife, a great alternative if you’re too lazy to trek to Hillel.

The other alternatives require a little more introspection. Technically, Harvard is a college, which means that technically, we all have p-sets and papers that could hypothetically be more intellectually stimulating than Tinder. Now that we are all, at the very least, past the first semester of our freshman year, most of us have forgotten what it’s like to finish a problem set before it’s due. But this whole running out of swipes thing could be a golden opportunity to return to our overachieving high school days and remember again what it’s like to have our lives together.

If you really just want to have a good time and not study, we at Flyby have devised a revolutionary idea: spend time with real, living people. We know, we know. There are definitely some hot people out on the Tinderverse (or well-edited, well-filtered people, at the very least), and having conversations with them is an ego-booster. But Harvard students, when we actually take the time to talk to each other (plot twist, we know), can provide meaningful fulfillment and interesting conversation.

But if that fails, just go to Lamont, inhale the putrid scent of despair and loneliness, and take a nap. Who needs a hot hookup when you could be sleeping. In Lamont. A public space. Now that’s what Harvard is all about.