{shortcode-1be376eca2b36f32f794c92c2e9191713166dd98} The bottom line: you could either be a fan of mornings or hate them with the fire of a thousand suns—we all know there’s no in-between. Whichever way you may lean, you probably agree with us when we say music can make or break a good day. A good morning playlist is all it takes to get in the mindset to tackle the world head-on. To help you out, here are Flyby’s picks for the best songs to wake yourself up to.

For the early (gym) birds
If you wake up at the crack of dawn to hit the gym, we have nothing but immense respect for you. Nothing gets your blood pumping like a good workout song, and we can help you out there! Try out Calvin Harris’s My Way, and shut off your mind to the catchy chorus and fast beat. You’ll be nodding along in no time.

For the shower singers
Sometimes you need to get your groove on in the shower. The acoustics are amazing in there—even if the cubicle is only just big enough for you to fit in it. Even if you’re absolutely tone-deaf, it’s a great way to start the day with a smile. Our suggestion is Shout Out to My Ex by Little Mix. The quintessential girl group pop song, this track gives you the chance to feel great about yourself, hit the high notes and the harmony, and drag that awful ex through the mud while you’re at it.

For your big day
Maybe you have a midterm this afternoon. Maybe you have a performance tonight. Or maybe you just want to carpe diem in whatever small way you can. What you need is a good old-fashioned fight song, and what better way to boost your confidence than Sia literally telling you not to give up? Put The Greatest on repeat, and we promise things will go your way.

For a chilled-out start
Not every day needs to begin with a bang. Sometimes you need to take things slow, but groovy enough that you don’t fall asleep in your section. Glass Animals’ Life Itself is the song for you, full of that quirky indie sound and tongue-in-cheek lyrics. Also, who doesn’t need the gentle reminder to “lean back and breathe” every once in a while?

For the morning jam
Need a little something to dance to that isn’t the same thing you were partying to last night? Yeah, we hear you; not every party needs to be relieved the morning after. Give Kult Kyss’s Get Up Boy a try; you probably haven’t heard this Australian artist before, and it’s almost unfairly catchy.

For some wordless cheering-up
Far be it from us to restrict must-listen morning tracks to vocal-heavy songs. If you want a mellow instrumental piece to start you off, try Astor In Paris by 3 Leg Torso. Now you can pretend you’re strolling down the Seine on your way to your favorite café, or that you’re doing anything more sophisticated than hurrying to your section.

For the Lamonsters
As we come to the end of midterm season, you might find yourself staring at your laptop screen in a Lamont study carrel—even in the a.m. Whether you need a track to help you power through that paper’s conclusion or to celebrate the fact that you’re finally done studying, Nicki Minaj’s Win Again is the song for you. Turn the volume up and remind yourself that you’re a champion.