{shortcode-09ab46394ed04602e0ff4d4448ac059a1c27ef55}We know, we know. We just posted about Greenhouse Cafe, but our staff has a lot to rave about it, so we present you with Part 2.5 of our series about the best places to use your BoardPlus:

Greenhouse Cafe, On Finding Pizza in a Hopeless Place

When looking for a place to spend my precious BoardPlus dollars, my standards aren’t very high. I don’t need some Wes Anderson soundtrack indie jams playing softly in the background– looking at you, Gato Rojo. I don’t need to see 50 acquaintances also procrastinating on psets, as in Lamont Cafe, nor do I need the aesthetic pleasure and pastries of Barker Cafe. (Barker Cafe also doesn’t have ice, and the temperature there never drops below 80 degrees. Unacceptable.)

Nay, when I am too lazy to walk back to Winthrop between classes, and when Fly-By just won’t cut it, Greenhouse Cafe is where I go. Greenhouse is dependable, accessible, and has never let me down. With a Starbucks cart out front, I know that I can always get my morning Chai Latte. Inside, I am met with a variety of food options: chicken tenders, burritos, Indian food, sushi...and pizza. Glorious, greasy, satisfying pizza.

Last year, Greenhouse Cafe pizza was the only thing keeping me from failing Physics 15b. I would grab a slice before lecture on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on Wednesdays would replace an Annenberg dinner with a slice grabbed to-go en route to office hours. No, I did not prioritize my health above pizza as a freshman. No, this has not changed now that I am a sophomore.

This year, I often find myself in Greenhouse, grabbing pizza in the seven minutes between my Econ and Gov lectures. I firmly believe, and I think that the Greenhouse worker who consistently gives me the larger slice (thank you) would agree, that Greenhouse Cafe pizza may be the only thing keeping me sane in this cruel and unforgiving world. And for that, I would gladly spend all the BoardPlus in the world.

Unfortunately, I ran out of BoardPlus ages ago. Can I use yours? Please?