{shortcode-a7d3ea91442d6c916a35efc807067597bdaed824} The weather is finally hitting 60 degrees, just in time for Yardfest! Since this year's artist is super fun to dance to and is less controversial than last year's headliner, it’ll be a great time to get outside, have fun, and dance badly to music you may or may not know. Homework can wait and the latest episode of Game of Thrones will always be on HBO GO, but YOYO—You Only Yardfest Once (or four times, but you get the idea). For those who are unsure how to get the best out of that Sunday, here are some tips!

Get the party started early
Yardfest starts at 5:00 p.m. (or 5:07 p.m. on Harvard time), so there's plenty of prime day drinking time beforehand. Get some friends, hang out, practice singing Janelle Monae off key after indulging in creatively named drinks or the cans of tepid PBR you have hidden underneath your bed. Don’t get too drunk though, the bands are harder to enjoy from UHS.

Try to reserve a space
Hundreds of people attended Yardfest last year, so it may not be easy to find a prime spot to awkwardly sway to the music. Head over to the Yard early to secure a spot as close to the stage as possible.

Get a free t-shirt {shortcode-211c2f9c3feda89993b4297600fb23e996edbb83}
The best thing about Harvard, other than its great classes, is the opportunity for the students to get a lot of free stuff. Many people go to the many events on campus only so they can grab free swag. Yardfest is no different, and this year's tshirt is pretty awesome!  You might not remember much of the event, so it’s great to have a souvenir of the awesome time you had. For the vertically challenged, befriend a tall person and use his or her long arms to snatch you a couple.

Get your work done beforehand
College students are known for doing all of their work last minute. Harvard students are no different, especially when it comes to their psets, papers, and taxes. Get your work done. Janelle Monae probably sounds worse filtered through the windows of Lamont Café.