
Even though Flyby has already given the freshmen a list of ideal blockmates, Yard-dwellers (and those foreigners in the Union Dorms) are still pulling their hair out trying to perfect blocking plans. To alleviate the stress, here’s a step-by-step guide on perfecting your blocking group.

1. Get your core group.

As long as you hit your core (abs joke), you’re all set. We’ll cover a few FAQs about this:

“Hey, Flyby, should I block with my freshman roommates?”

Dumb question. Block with people you don’t hate. If you liked your freshman roommate and don’t hate living with him/her, go for it. If not, then don’t.

“Oh. That’s interesting. What about my boyfriend/girlfriend/FWB?”


“Well that was curt.”

It’s a bad idea. Do you not see all the ways that could go wrong? That’s what linking is for.

“I guess you’re right. Well I haven’t even started thinking about it yet…”

Oh, right. Because every member of the Class of 2017 didn’t know this was coming months ago. You’ve got some catching up to do.

“But how?!?”

It’s really weird, we know, but you’ve met people at Harvard. Hopefully some of those people are your friends. Worst case scenario, you have a roommate who probably has an open spot in his/her blocking group. Just have a conversation about it...like, really soon.