
Happy Wednesday! If that greeting sounded like an oxymoron to you, cheer up with the fact that there are only 23 more days until Spring Break and in terms of more pressing matters, 2 more days until Friday! And if President's Day has thrown you off and you've lost count of the days, don't worry—you're not alone.



Yesterday’s snow is being replaced with rain showers today, so don’t forget to leave your dorm without an umbrella! At least the temperature will rise a bit, with a high of 43 degrees.



Chicken and Swiss Melt on Whole Wheat Panini
Greek Pizza on Multigrain Toast
Macaroni and Cheese


Breaded and Baked Pork Chops
South American Style Beef Stroganoff
Scheherazade Casserole: Bulgar, Tomato and Soybean Casserole (finally, the ingredients within this casserole are revealed!)


1) $65 Million Redevelopment Project to Break Ground on Mt. Auburn St.: “After the financial crisis stalled long-held design plans, real estate developer Carpenter & Company is set to break ground on a $65 million development project at 114 Mt. Auburn St. that will result in a multi-story office building to be fully leased to Harvard.”

2) Friends, Family Remember Stephen Rose ‘06, Hope to Raise Awareness About Mental Health: Family and friends of Stephen Rose, who jumped to his death from the top of William James Hall on Feb. 6, remember him as a “a caring friend with a sunny personality and a deep interest in philosophical issues.”

3) Dunster Students Preview Suites in New Swing Space:Dunster House residents had the opportunity to view the rooms they may inhabit next year during a walkthrough of several suites at 20-20A Prescott Street Friday afternoon.

4) Final Exam Schedule Posted: Gloat in the glory of going home earlier than your friends or sulkily lament about how you’re the last one to leave amongst your roommates.


The OCS is holding a talk tonight called Fashion & Consumer Goods: Explore the Merchant Function & Become a Buyer/Planner at 54 Dunster Street from 6 to 7 p.m. Learn about career paths in some of the best known retail and consumer goods operations! Pre-registration is required through Crimson Careers.

The Harvard Writers at Work Lecture series presents Moral Tribes: A discussion with Professor Joshua Greene from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the Thompson Room of the Barker Center. The lecture will be about how our brains go about drawing moral lines.


Due to Dunster House's renovation expected next school year, residents will live in swing housing, which includes the newest location at 20-20A Prescott Street. Singles, doubles, and triple suites are offered at this new property, each room equipped with a full kitchen, storage space, and a common room.