Writing a senior thesis is an exhausting process full of serious and thorough research—not to mention hours of writing. So who can blame the creators of lolmythesis for starting a blog that is a safe space for seniors to finally express their inner emotions about their thesis? The site is gaining popularity fast, especially among Harvard students. Lolmythesis is an important resource for everyone writing or thinking critically about their thesis. Here are some gems that reflect the best of what the blog has to offer—divided into categories of “way too real” and “good luck with that....”

Way Too Real:

A lot of the problems that crop up when you try to contextualize object-oriented ontologies within process philosophy stem from—oh, fuck it, I’m just gonna go into consulting
Philosophy, Harvard

Images are worth a thousand words. Especially if they are Jesus’ words.
History of Art and Architecture, Harvard

Someone wrote a book about my thesis which was published in the last month I was working on it, so here are some fun facts about San Francisco.
History, Scripps College

Byzantine military scholars wrote books about how to kill people; Byzantine generals seem to have read these books, and then killed people.
History, Carleton College

I am going to write my thesis about how dicking around on the internet is important for art and intimacy and stuff, just as soon as I get off this tumblr.
English and Gender Studies, University of Chicago

Good Luck With That...:

Beetles were forced to have sex and then frozen in the act.
Biology, University of Notre Dame

I used a computer to simulate firing two lasers into a jet of plasma and seeing what happens. Turns out either not very much, or you get a bigger laser. Still no closer to creating a lightsaber.
Physics, University of Oxford

Funny Conservatives are beautiful, majestic creatures- let me sing you the song of their people.
Government, Harvard

We can count how often computers do this one thing and how often brains do this other thing. Both numbers are meaningless but their comparison is also meaningless.
Cognitive Science, University of Texas at Dallas

People listen to music, even when they aren’t supposed to. This happened in China in the 1960s. Seems symbolic.
History, Harvard

Maybe my thesis idea on the Kanye West effect isn’t so ridiculous after all...