On Thursday, University President Drew G. Faust announced that, in 2018 (probably, if all goes according to plan), the new Richard A. & Susan F. Smith Campus Center will open in the building formerly known as the Holyoke Center.

We’re intensely interested in what this forthcoming campus center will eventually house. A press release announcing the project’s timeline specified three things:

1. Food Service
This is ambiguous. What’s a food service? Is that a couple of vending machines, or is that a small café (like the one in the Science Center)? Either way, it’s not like we’re going to complain about new outlets for comfort eating, but the anticipation is killing us.

2. Study Areas
Yeah… because this really needs specification. If there was going to be any open space or any number of chairs and tables in the new campus center, it was already super obvious that Harvard students were going to turn it into a study space.

3. A Lounge
Isn’t this sort of redundant? It’s an open space, and we assume there will be some number of chairs and tables. So it’s probably just going to turn into another study space.

But we at Flyby have a few suggestions of our own to make the new campus center more fun:

1. Game Room
A Nintendo 64, an Xbox, a TV, two pool tables, a ping-pong table, and some couches would cost the University an infinitesimally small percentage of their endowment. And it would be more fun than one of those “study areas,” even though it’s only a matter of time before some frazzled physics student starts doing mechanics experiments with the pool balls.