Advising Fortnight began this evening with a kick-off event in Annenberg. The next two weeks promise a plethora of events catered to (and catered for) freshman eager for wisdom about concentrations (and cupcakes).

With pithy, often alliterative, food-oriented titles, the department workshops are aimed to help freshmen gauge their academic interests.

Acknowledging the overstimulated and chronically indecisive nature of this generation, Flyby makes the concentration decision easy. Just go for the food.

If you like donuts, for instance, you might want head to the East Asian Studies "Donuts and Daoism" undergraduate open house on Tuesday, March 27 from 10 a.m-12 p.m. If you prefer dim sum, the department is also hosting an undergraduate dim sum party on Thursday, April 5 from 2-4 p.m.

On Wednesday, March 28, the Anthropology department will be serving up "hot munchies and cool cupcakes" in William James Hall from 6-8 p.m.

Don't miss out on monkeybread from the Physics department this Sunday, April 1, from 9-10 p.m. in the Leverett Masters' residence.

Those of you who really like pizza can enjoy pizza every day this week—up to three times a day, in fact—and pursue a special concentration in Literature-SEAS-Economics-Astrophysics-Applied Math-VES-and-Earth and Planetary Sciences.

The full schedule of events can be found here.