Stressed out? Harvard Smiles is here to help.

This new website is a one-stop shop for mental health resources at Harvard, founded by Harvard’s student mental health liaisons. It hopes to raise awareness on these issues and to foster a supportive community, according to the website.

In addition to providing news and information, the site offers options for peer or professional counseling. And the founders of the site said that they are concerned with more than just academic stress.

“It’s geared towards issues of mental health more generally,” said Seth A. Riddley ’12, the director of the project.

In light of incidents such as the Sept. 18 suicide on the steps of Memorial Church, Riddley said that these issues represent an ongoing concern for students.

“The press coverage created a climate where people are definitely looking in the direction of these things,” said Riddley, referring to on-campus mental health resources.

However, he said he felt that the general trend is positive.

“People are becoming more and more aware of issues of mental health,” he said.