“She went to Exeter?” This thought might have crossed your mind a lot lately. Although the private school does send a number of students to Harvard each year, it is not the explanation for this past week’s notable surplus of “Exeter” shirt sightings.

The source of these shirts was actually the Exeter Group, a consulting firm located in Cambridge. Exeter Group reps stationed outside the Science Center passed out 1700 shirts over the past few days, which students wore in hopes of receiving prizes—including a mountain bike and various gift cards.

According to Louis Gutierrez, a representative for the firm, this “fun and popular technique” was part of Exeter Group’s annual recruiting campaign. Gutierrez also dispelled rumors of a boarding school connection: “We aren’t named after Exeter. We don’t try to affiliate with them,” he said.

But just how successful was this advertisement campaign? The shirts may have caught the attention of other students on campus, but the long-term impact might be somewhat limited.

“It didn’t really influence my thinking,” said Robert B. Krabek '14. Krabek, the proud recipient of a $10 Borders gift card, said he “didn’t even know what Exeter Group was until a day later.” He did say, however, that he is excited to spend his $10.

And what about those who actually attended the boarding school? Exeter grad Peter F. Chase '14 said he thought the shirts were a joke at first but eventually realized they were part of a business ploy. But in the end, he wasn’t bothered by it. “It made me feel nostalgic, it made me think about high school,” he said.

Photo by Eric M. Hendey/The Harvard Crimson.