Cashless burrito and taco lovers of Cambridge, rejoice! As of Jan. 1, 2010, Felipe's Taqueria in Harvard Square has finally joined its 21st century cohorts in taking credit cards. And it's about time.

The good news is that just about any type of plastic works: MasterCard, Visa, American Express, and Discover are all welcome. Debit cards too!

All Felipe's requests is that customers still pay with cash for orders under $10—although Tom Brush, co-owner of the restaurant, clarified that they won't deny credit card payments for orders under $10.

He and his business partner Felipe Herrera, the restaurant's namesake, decided to start taking plastic because they wanted to make things more convenient for their patrons.

Essentially, they recognized the inconvenience (and embarrassment) of cashless customers who accidentally ignored the "cash only" sign outside, ordered food, and realized only when they got to the register that they were unable to pay.

Brush warned, however, that if taking credit cards becomes a significant cost to the business—since the restaurant is charged a flat rate for each credit card transaction—Felipe's may have to raise its prices.

In the meantime, we'll just remember to buy a second super burrito for a friend the next time we pay with plastic. Share the grease. Share the love.