Ever wish you could divine the status of the laundry room’s many machines – full or free – without the need to trudge downstairs?

Cheers to Adams House residents, then, for braving the backlash and implementing an update-system with the help of Twitter and a little old-fashioned manpower. Details after the jump.

Residents took their cue from Olin College where Twitter has been simplifying student routines with succinct messages like “one of two washers available,” “one of three dryers available,” (you get the idea).

Here at Harvard, it’s rumored that past CS50 students have faced threats of Ad Board action if plans for a digital system were completed; Adams residents have skirted the ban and instituted a volunteer-based update system for their laundry room.

While protesters raised the question of how efficiently a system could run off of less than 100% participation, the Twitter launched about a day ago under the username “#adamslaundry”.

Only one of the four tweets posted in that time, however, pertains to the actual state of the machines, so it looks like the jury’s still out on this admirable first attempt.