Since some administrators at Penn are apparently using Twitter, FlyBy thought that we might playfully imagine what the pages of a few Harvard administrators might look like.


j-term canceled, sry guys. Barbara Gutmann Rosenkrantz Professor of the History of Science and of African and African American Studies

i have formed a committee that will take care of the application process for housing for j-term b/c committees are gr8. Barbara Gutmann Rosenkratz

More administweets after the jump.


12 classes approved for gen ed yesterday. 2 are new, 10 are modified. see jh

open house in one hour. there will be baklava. jh

four months and three days before gen ed is launched. plz submit course proposals. kthnx. jh


Just talked @harvardclubnewyork about FAS finances. Hope my speech inspired them enough.

If you want to donate to FAS to help us close our $220 million deficit, please visit for realz.


SLAM is chanting slogans outside Mass. Hall. Sometimes I wish my office were in Allston.

That was the secretary next door. She’s retiring early and thought she could play a prank on me. Can someone please tell me how to delete this thing?

Photo from Wikimedia Commons/GageSkidmore