What does a typical fight at Princeton look like? Maybe some catcalling about the other guy's hedge fund? Some Merlot-splashing on each other's monocles? Then, just when they're both about to start crying, their butlers are summoned to poke each other with diamond-studded canes?

Believe it or not, Princeton kids actually fight with their fists, at least according to this Daily Princetonian article. Apparently, some "pushing, shoving, and punching" led to what Princeton U. Deputy Chief of Public Safety Charles W. Davall called "jeopardy of significant harm." It got so bad that the cops ended up spraying pepper spray to disperse the crowd.

Find out more about this New-Jersey-gone-New-Haven episode after the jump.

A fight broke out at around 1:20 a.m. two Saturdays ago at a dance hosted by the Princeton Caribbean Connection, a club that promotes Caribbean culture whose Web site still links to "thefacebook.com." Tensions ran high, though we're not sure why (Maybe something to do with hedge funds? Just saying), and around 20 people started trading blows.

The two Public Safety officers at the scene tried to calm the situation, but they couldn't, and it took a Princeton Borough police officer who was in the area to unleash the wrath of pepper spray onto the crowd. Soon, around 24 cops were at the scene to clear the area.

University officials seem to suspect that outsiders were involved with the fight, which makes sense since Princeton kids aren't that good at all things physical. But Associate Dean of Undergraduate Students Thomas Dunne assured the campus that the altercation was a "rare occurrence" that was "an abberation and not the norm at social events sponsored by student organizations."

An hour later, a guy went up to two undergrads and asked them for directions. And then he showed them his penis.

What a weird, weird place.