It's that time of year again--time for another remix challenge, courtesy of the College Events Board. The task? Create a remix to our favorite fight song, 10,000 Men of Harvard, for this weekend's Harvard/Yale game.

There are four contenders for the chance to have their remix played at the pep rally Thursday night. FlyBy took a moment to listen to their creations, and here are our thoughts, after the jump:

Entry 1: Matthias Wickenburg '13

This long remix is carefully crafted. Beginning with the distant sounds of the Harvard band, seemingly in the background, this remix soon adds in fitting electronic beats to create a stretched out version of the song with a seemingly "epic" feel to it.

Entry 2: Benjamin Naddaff-Hafrey '13

This remix lays the fight song over some varied electronic backgrounds, adding in pieces of football radio commentary. This mashup feels very relaxed, as though we would simply roll over Yale and that would be the end of it. Very nice.

Entry 3: Lucia Carver '13

Entry number three begins, quite appropriate, by adding in the infamous Kanye diss over the original song. Voices can be heard singing throughout, and it ends with a man saying that one cannot be more happy anyplace else than at Harvard.

Entry 4: Noam Hassenfeld '12

This version of "10,000 Men" is short and very upbeat, playing the song multiple times with varied electronic backgrounds. "I Got a Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas is featured.

We at FlyBy applaud the efforts by all participants, but we're going with entry 4--it's the fastest and perhaps the most party-appropriate music track, making it a good choice to be played at a pep rally.

Voting ends Wednesday at 11:59 PM. Let's get ready to crush Yale!