
Football Players Back to Reality

Prediciton: Yale 24, Lafayette 20

RHODE ISLAND (1-2) AT BROWN (0-2, 0-1 IVY)

Here’s what I wrote about this matchup last year: “Rhode Island is an awful team, and any intrigue provided by the intrastate rivalry between the two squads will quickly dissipate after Brown jumps out to a big lead and clears the stands early.”

Of course, Brown lost that game, 37-13.

The worst part: I could easily write the same exact thing this year. Rhode Island has been outscored by its opponents by 49 points in three games. I am terrified of making this pick.


Prediction: Brown 28, Rhode Island 14

CORNELL (2-0, 1-0 IVY) AT COLGATE (4-0)

With Upstate bragging rights at stake, two undefeated behemoths march into Andy Kerr Stadium in Hamilton, N.Y., ready to prove, once and for all, who is the Sultan of the Sticks, the Baron of the Boonies, the Prince of Podunk. Cornell. Colgate. History begins now.

Actually, Cornell’s record is dubious at best, consisting of a win over the lowly Bucknell and an impressive, but nonetheless fluky victory against Yale. Colgate hasn’t exactly been playing the cream of the crop either, but its juggernaut rushing game and efficient aerial attack should be enough to put them over.

Prediction: Colgate 17, Cornell 10

COLUMBIA (1-1, 0-0 IVY) AT PRINCETON (1-1, 0-0 IVY)

Lions and Tigers and…Oh my, this should be interesting.

I’m still high on Columbia, despite a loss against Central Connecticut State last week. The Lions haven’t had a good offense since before it was my unpaid job to care about Ivy League football, but with a versatile attack featuring plenty of playmakers, they’re flying high this year. The defense isn’t quite there yet, but it’s coming along.

Princeton, on the other hand, hasn’t been able to generate any kind of offense, despite having the best running back in the league in Jordan Culbreath. I think we’re going to see Columbia finally make an early case to finish somewhere higher than “at least they’re better than Dartmouth” place this season.

Prediction: Columbia 24, Princeton 21

