
Men's Heavyweight Crew Takes Home Adams Cup, Others Falls to Ranked Opponents

The No. 18 Radcliffe heavyweights ended the regular season on the Housatonic River. In this race, the team looked to take down Ancient Eight rival No. 6 Yale, which had never lost a race at home.

“Yale is one of biggest rivalries so we were super excited to race them… and we’ve been using each race this season to figure out how to get faster...from weekend to weekend,” senior Mary Carmack said.

Despite rain, a tailwind, and a strong start by Yale, the Black and White kept up pace in the varsity eight race for the first 500 meters of the race. Over the middle 1,000 meters, though, Yale began to pull away with a quicker stroke. Radcliffe made a move, but it was not enough to hand Yale it’s first home loss, finishing 1.8 seconds behind the Bulldogs at 6:09.5.

Yale went on to sweep the rest of the races.

“Unfortunately we didn’t win today but across all of our boats we were excited about finding more speed, and hopefully we will be able to use today to get faster for the Ivy League championships,” Carmack said.


Women’s Lightweights

The No. 4 lightweight team hosted cross-town rivals No. 2 BU and No. 5 MIT in the Beanpot in the last home race of the season.

For the Black and White, the race was all about cutting down the margin by which BU had won in previous matchups.

“I think when we came into this race, we knew it would be really close, but we were hoping that we could maybe beat them because this is our last chance to see them before Sprints,” senior Kristen Faulkner said.

A strong start by the Terriers put it ahead by seven seats early in the V8 race. From there, it could not be caught. BU finished at 6:48.1, and the Black and White finished three seconds later at 6:51.3. BU dominated the other races on the day, except for the novice four race, which Radcliffe won.

Despite losing the Beanpot for the first time, the Radcliffe team did come away with some hardware: it won the Muri Cup.

“This week what we’ve been really focusing on was that power-per-stroke, and I think we did a really good job with that this race,” Faulkner said. “I think that it gives us the confidence that we can turn that into the championship next weekend.”

—Staff writer Katherine H. Scott can be reached at


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