
Music Video Breakdown: 'High on the Beach,' Lana Del Rey



Perhaps it is this lack of acceptable coffee left behind by the bears that finally leads Lana to take on her enemy. With the helicopter overhead, she runs out over the rocky beach, retrieving a mysteriously placed guitar case from behind a jagged stone.




However, we quickly discover that this is no mere guitar case but instead one that holds a bazooka. Suddenly we see Lana in her element, taking a classic character and making it gritty and entirely her own. As she diverges from the classic literature, she creates a space for her unique interpretation of Goldilocks to rise, stomping out the previous ingenue.



This gangster Goldilocks is not playing around. Unlike her predecessor, she doesn’t run screaming into the forest, never to be seen again, when it’s time to confront the enemy. Instead, Lana’s Goldilocks fires her bazooka directly into the helicopter, metaphorically destroying the bears and laying claim to their home.



As the helicopter goes down, flaming bits of newspaper float through the air, representative of the pages of the children’s story Lana has simultaneously dismantled and recreated.



Bazooka held proudly, Lana has officially become the new Goldilocks, forever changing the narrative, shaping it in her own unique and violent form of feminine empowerment. Now she is free to do whatever she pleases. Hopefully, after being disappointed by the bed and the coffee, she’ll find the bears’ stash to be just right, leading to an afternoon of what she’s sought after all along—simply getting high by the beach.

