
Alden & Harlow Opens in Square, Offers Family Atmosphere and Ties to Square History

Scelfo also discussed the numerous tributes his restaurant makes to Harvard Square and the city of Cambridge in general. Scelfo said he sees his restaurant as continuation of Square history.

“Alden can be that more independently owned [restaurant],” Scelfo said, adding that he wants to help create a new identity for Harvard Square that reflects its reputation as a locus of independent business.

Denise Jillson, executive director of the Harvard Square Business Association, echoed this sentiment, explaining that even the restaurant’s name can be traced back to the idea of preserving history in the Square.

“Casablanca was an iconic location. For [Scelfo] to go into that location and transform it has been a lovely process to watch,” said Jillson. “He has done it with great style and respect to the original design of building.”

The restaurant has been up and running for less than a week, but according to Scelfo, the business has gotten off to a solid start.


“It’s been as good as I hoped for,” Scelfo said. “It’s very difficult to do anything perfectly, and I think restaurants are probably the most challenging thing, so I’d be lying to you if I said I didn’t have a ton of things that I still wanted us to work on.”

However, Scelfo is already looking ahead to Valentine’s Day and warmer weather.

“[I’m] ready for the snow to stop and get some spring food in this place,” Scelfo said.

—Staff writer Ivan B. K. Levingston can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @IvanLevingston.

—Staff writer Celeste M. Mendoza can be reached at


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