
Men's Lacrosse Pulls Even in Ivy League Play

Krieger notched 13 saves with a save percentage of .680 to increase his season totals to 82 and .586, respectively. Both lead the Ivy League. The goalkeeper has been remarkably strong lately, with a save percentage of .640 over his last four games.

“Harry’s been playing lights out,” Gonos said. “As a defender, that’s huge for my confidence and it just helps the whole defense.”

The Crimson’s faceoff men, Rick Molé and Mendola, helped the team control the flow of the game throughout the contest. Together, they dominated, securing 12 out of 18 faceoffs. Molé was responsible for most of these, going 10-16, while Mendola relieved him on two occasions and won both times.

“It’s great to have strong faceoff guys,” Krieger said. “When you can get the ball back after a team scores you can reclaim any momentum.”

Going forward, Harvard takes a break from Ivy League play for a week, facing Albany and No. 13 Duke at home on March 26th and 30th, respectively.


The Crimson’s next conference game is against national powerhouse Cornell on April 6. The Big Red ranks second in the country and leads the nation in goals per game.

“Cornell is notoriously strong,” Krieger said. “The Albany and Duke games are great before going into the [bulk] of the Ivy League schedule. It will help us keep our composure and pull through as a cohesive unit.”


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