
Elizabeth Warren's Harvard Ties Pay Off

Though Harvard employees have traditionally donated more money to Democratic candidates, the rate at which Warren is raising funds among them surpasses that of any U.S. Senate candidate in recent memory. By comparison, during the 2010 special election cycle, Harvard employees contributed roughly $11,350 to Brown and $54,000 to Mass. Attorney General Martha M. Coakley as the two competed to fill the empty Senate seat of the late Edward M. Kennedy ’54-’56.

In February, The Crimson reported that 110 Harvard employees had given Warren’s campaign just over $102,000 during the first four months of her campaign. Analysis of FEC filings made prior to last month’s state primary show that, since the beginning of 2012, Warren has raised $124,939 from 178 different Harvard employees.

Warren’s campaign has drawn criticism for its lack of financial visibility. Only about 56 percent of the total contributions made to the campaign by individuals have been itemized with the FEC. The data summarized by The Crimson represented only itemized individual contributions by individuals who reported working for Harvard.


Warren’s campaign did not comment directly on support it has received from Harvard employees, though Warren spokesperson Alethea Harney said the campaign is grateful to all of its 45,000 Massachusetts donors.

Brown and Warren, who have been mired in a statistical dead-heat at the polls since January, will debate for the first time Thursday. Despite what appeared to be a recent Brown lead, three different polls released earlier this week showed Warren slightly ahead.

—Staff writer Nicholas P. Fandos can be reached at

