
Head of Harvard Golf Gets Late Start to Sport

Perhaps Schernecker’s most impressive quality is his ability to juggle his responsibilities here at Harvard and Schernecker Property Services, Inc., his business he developed as an undergraduate.

“He is the perfect role model,” Kabasakalis says. “He is extremely humble and is so efficient. He gets up at four in the morning to get his work done. The way that [he] manages everything is incredible.”

But Schernecker isn’t just all business.

“He is a really funny and goofy guy too,” Kabasakalis adds. “We all love him, and we get so excited whenever we see him.”

Though he only used to play basketball once a year at the alumni game, he recently started to play twice a week, and he tries to golf at least once or twice a week during the summer.


“When you find things that you are passionate about, you tend to be able to find time to do those things,” Schernecker says. “I have the privilege to work with...great people. I see my job as a way to let them be successful. They do a great job, and it allows me time to pursue the things I’m passionate about.”

