
Harvard Overcomes Six-Goal Deficit, Beats Big Green

And win the game they did. Gibbons got the Harvard offense going, splitting two Big Green defenders for a goal.

The Crimson then scored twice in 12 seconds—a backdoor goal by sophomore Kevin Vaughn followed by Gibbons’ third score, a line drive he fired over Campbell’s left shoulder off an assist from Cohen.

Gibbons then reciprocated by assisting on Cohen’s second goal. Eight seconds later, freshman Alex White scored to bring Harvard within one.

With 23 seconds remaining in the quarter, Dartmouth responded with a score from Chris Costabile, but though the third period ended with a 10-8 Big Green lead, momentum was on Harvard’s side.

“I think when things went bad, we started worrying about what was going bad, and then we just got back to doing what we wanted to do,” Tillman said.


The Crimson opened scoring in the final period when sophomore Andrew Pataki scored his first goal of the year off a pass from classmate Evan Roth.

The Crimson was then able to tie up the game when freshman Jeff Molinari darted two defenders and bounced the ball past Campbell. Cohen put the team ahead with his third goal, and freshman Jack Doyle added the eventual game-winner.

After a Dartmouth goal pulled the Big Green within one late in the contest, Terry White provided the dagger, giving Harvard the 13-11 win. Once again, the Crimson had pulled off an improbable comeback.

“We’ve shown it a couple times this year,” Cohen said. “And I think that’s something really special about our team—no matter how many goals we’re down, we can come back.”

