
Pair of Students Get Jobs In Pros

Few areas are ruled by cold rationality like sports. If your ideas make sense, eventually someone will listen.

In his book Moneyball, Michael Lewis describes the long struggle of ambitious statisticians seeking to have their baseball theories heard. Pioneers such as Bill James were seen as threats to the traditional system of management and were ignored for many years. But eventually reason won out.

While James didn’t start working for a professional baseball team until he was 53 years old, two Harvard undergrads, sophomore John Ezekowitz and junior Jason Rosenfeld, have wedged their way into the world of professional basketball at a much younger age.

Through their involvement with the Harvard Sports Analysis Collective and their academic work as statistics concentrators, both have had the opportunity to work with professional basketball teams while still in college, an achievement neither thought possible while in high school.

Rosenfeld began as a high school graduate, eager to find a niche in the sports world.


“Growing up, I liked basketball, baseball, football,” he recalls. “So I did a lot of web surfing, and emailing, and networking, and I was looking into any of the sports. I didn’t have a lot of leverage.”

While on his gap year, Rosenfeld had the opportunity to read about the statistics revolution in sports and took a liking to the discipline.

“I was kind of planning on studying statistics even before I got to college,” he says. “I was originally interested in finance. I started reading books about randomness and uncertainty. I started falling in love in with the idea of making decisions under uncertainty...Then when I found out it could help me get a job in seemed like the obvious major to do.”

For Ezekowitz, meanwhile, the statistics turn was less planned.

“I’ve always been a really big sports fan,” the sophomore says. “When I got to Harvard, in a statistics class, Stat 104, I thought, ‘Wow, this is really cool.’ It just started with Stat 104. I liked stats; I liked sports. This [HSAC] is a club where I could do both.”

The decision to join HSAC gave Ezekowitz the opportunity to be read by high profile figures in professional sports.

“It’s funny because the club has a higher profile in sports analytics than it does on campus,” Ezekowitz says. “Last year the focus shifted to our blog...I sort of got to be there as the blog took off.”

It was on the blog that Ezekowitz made his name. In what became his best-known study, Ezekowitz analyzed situations in which basketball teams leading by three points late in the game decided whether or not to foul their opponent. He found the decision to have no significant impact on the game’s outcome.

Ezekowitz’s research was cited by ESPN Magazine, Sports Illustrated, and the Wall Street Journal.

“I was particularly impressed that he not only wrote a smart article but that we was willing to roll up his sleeves and collect a lot of data,” says Daniel Adler ‘10, now a first year student at Harvard Law School and a graduate advisor to the club.

