
Crimson Scorers Power Through Black Bears

Sophomore point guard Brogan Berry posted only five points, all of which were scored in the first half.

Berry matched her statistics from this past weekend’s game against Boston College, in which she also posted five points.

Smith had a few explanations as to why Berry’s statistics might not reflect her actual potential.

“She’s a young player,” Smith said. “And if I was to overanalyze, I’d say she’s missing shots she shouldn’t and I think that’s probably getting under her skin and distracting her a bit.”

As to how Berry could improve for future matchups, Smith had a few ideas.



Women's Basketball vs Maine 11/17/2009

Women's Basketball vs Maine 11/17/2009

“She knows at the top of her list is being a vocal leader,” Smith said.

“And she’s a prolific scorer and I’d love her to be, but she doesn’t have to be. We have so many other weapons. I just don’t want it getting under her skin, she’s too much of an asset for that.”

Members of the team acknowledged that there was work to be done on both sides of the court.

“[Our performance] was a little disappointing,” Matera said.

“We didn’t come out as tough as we did in the BC game, so it was a little bit of a letdown. There are things we need to work on, like to be consistent no matter who we play.”

“The positive [thing] that we have to take away from the game is that we won pretty handily even though we didn’t play our best,” Matera added. “But we just need to be consistent no matter who we play.”


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