
Grad Sworn In As Court Chief

Senate confirms Roberts '76 as chief justice in 78-to-22 vote

Those who knew Roberts during his time at Harvard said they are not surprised that he attained such a high office.

“Becoming Chief Justice of the United States would be vindication of his powerful work ethic, exceptional abilities, and competitive drive,” Robert N. Bush ’77, who roomed with Roberts for three years in Straus Hall and Leverett House, wrote in an e-mail earlier this month.

Steven F. Hirsch ’77, another college friend of Roberts, said earlier this month, “If there is somebody who is very well qualified to be chief justice, it’s him.”

Roberts’ confirmation turns a Court dominated by Harvard alums an even deeper shade of Crimson. Six of the Court’s nine justices have ties to Harvard. David H. Souter ’61 graduated from the College, while Justices Souter, Stephen G. Breyer, Antonin Scalia, and Anthony M. Kennedy hold Harvard Law degrees. Ruth Bader Ginsburg attended HLS for two years before transferring to Columbia.

The late Chief Justice Rehnquist also held an M.A. in government from the University. Of the 109 justices in Supreme Court history, 18 have attended HLS, with 14 of these graduating.



According to David M. Kaden ’06, president of the Institute of Politics’ student advisory committee, it is more than likely that the newly confirmed chief justice will be invited back to Cambridge as a speaker.

“We will certainly issue him an offer to come to Harvard,” he said.

Director of Communications at HLS Michael A. Armini said that he did not know of any plans to invite Roberts to campus, but added that he is “sure it will happen.”

“We had Justices Scalia and Breyer here [on Wednesday],” Armini said, “and we’re always eager to have any one of our alumni justices back, either as part of their reunions or to add to the overall educational experience.”

Still, an official at the Office of the University Marshal said that he did not know of any plans to invite Roberts back to Cambridge to speak at a future Commencement.

Donald S. Scherer, a friend from law school who has remained in touch with Roberts, told The Crimson earlier this month that Roberts still has a soft spot for his alma mater.

“He really, really loved being at Harvard,” Scherer said. “He was and is romantic about all things Harvard.”

—Staff writer Adam M. Guren can be reached at

—Staff writer Daniel J. T. Schuker can be reached at
