
Bankers Lunch, Laud Diversity

Student group sponsors event to encourage diversity in finance

The donations from Wall Street firms in attendance paid for the luncheon and for AMBLE projects throughout the year, in addition to supporting a group to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

“We’re happy to kick-off the fall recruiting process,” said Marin Kim ’06, a member of the AMBLE Board of Directors. “This is a great movement for women and minorities. We’re on the cusp of change and debunking myths of Wall Street.”

Samson F. Ayele ’09, who attended the event after hearing about it from a friend, said that LaVergne was one of the best speakers he had ever heard.

“I was really impressed with speaker Lance LaVergne and the representation of the most prestigious bulge bracket banks.”

The banks sponsoring the event were Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse First Boston, UBS, BOA, Lehman Brothers, Wachovia, Citigroup, JPMorgan, Lazard, Merrill Lynch, and Morgan Stanley.


—Staff writer Jane V. Evans can be reached at
