
A Year Later, City Celebrates

Ceremony attendees also discuss uncertain future of same-sex marriage

But for Somerville residents Davida Wegner and Molly Butterworth, the possibility of marriage comes at an earlier point in their relationship. The two, who are engaged, met as students at Dartmouth, where Wegner graduated in 2001 and Butterworth in 2002. Wegner plans to attend graduate school at Yale in the fall; Butterworth will study in Utah.

“It’s not for financial benefit so much as it’s going to be legally sanctioned,” Wegner said.

Faced with the possibility that same-sex marriage could be curtailed in the future, Butterworth said of the celebration that “it’s important to gather positive energy for the work ahead....The days [lobbying] at the State House are not celebratory.”

Mark A. Covey, a student at the Kennedy School of Government, echoed Butterworth, saying that the celebration “helps build momentum.”

“[Marriage] was such a step forward, and we need to keep it alive,” he said.


As couples exited City Hall, they were showered with glitter and multicolored feathers by Su Eaton, a Somerville resident who dressed in pink-and-black stockings and a tutu, and carried a wand.

“Blessings of love from the Love Fairy!” Eaton cried, as a campaigner for Howard Dean handed out pamphlets nearby.

“It’s still about love, and the right of who you want to love,” Eaton said.

While some protesters lined up on Mass. Ave. to oppose same-sex marriage during last year’s celebration, no protesters were visible outside of City Hall yesterday.

—Staff writer Brendan R. Linn can be reached at
