
Report Blasts Education Schools

Schools provide inadequate training for elementary, secondary school teachers

“The University itself is emphasizing interdisciplinary work and to that extent, education is less isolated than it might have been in the past,” he said.

The report also criticizes schools of education for being “cash cows,” setting low admissions requirements and offering short-term degree programs to generate revenue for their universities.

The GSE’s admissions office staff declined to comment, but GSE Director of Communications Michael Rodman said the school had “very high admissions standards.”

“Our students are extremely talented and extremely accomplished,” he said.

The report is part of a larger study on graduate schools of education. According to Sanoff, more reports will be released in the course of the next six to twelve months.


Sanoff said that universities should provide more resources to their schools of education “so they can accomplish what the nation needs done.”

“If actions aren’t taken by the institutions, then eventually education schools run the risk of becoming largely irrelevant,” Sanoff said.

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