
Glazer Leads Inaugural Meeting

Committee will look into revamping UC structure

Syed N. “Faraz” Munaim ’06 won an unopposed bid for treasurer, after other representatives, including last semester’s treasurer, Clay T. Capp ’06, turned down nominations.

The UC then divided into committees and held elections for chair positions.

Aaron D. Chadbourne ’06 won Student Affairs Committee (SAC) chair, a position seen as a springboard to the UC presidency. Four of the past five UC presidents have held this office, but as a junior, Chadbourne cannot run for next year’s presidency.

John S. Haddock ’07 captured the vice-chair spot, and Amadi P. Anene ’08 will become SAC’s new secretary.

Blake M. Kurusi ’07 will lead the Financial Committee (FiCom) and Lauren P. S. Epstein ’07 will take on the role of Campus Life Committee (CLC) chair.


FiCom and CLC adjourned early to allow representatives to watch the Superbowl, and will elect remaining officers at their next meeting.

—Staff writer Liz C. Goodwin can be reached at
