
Mather Details Plans To Renovate Dining ‘Barracks’

Eating space to debut new design, features this fall

This will be the first project at Harvard for the architect team responsible for the project, Prellwitz / Chilinski Associates, Inc., though they have renovated many other college kitchens and serving areas, at schools including M.I.T., Cornell, and Northeastern.

While Mather’s modern architecture and distance from the yard have made it the last choice in the housing lottery for some freshmen, the renovating dining hall may make it more attractive.

“At least the new dining area will make being assigned there a bit easier,” said Lucy H. Clark ’08 after hearing about the new dining area.

Hafrey, who acknowledged that people have often been reluctant to live in Mather, said, “most people arrive here and realize it is a good place to be.”

The renovation process is scheduled to start on the Monday after commencement, June 11, and should be completed before the start of the fall semester.



“This is quite a feat for the size of the project,” said Leandro, adding that this would also be the final major renovation project for HUDS in the near future.
